Your Liberation is an Inside Job

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Be fully, authentically who you are (warts and all)
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Speak your truth without apology
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Know what you deserve (and it ain’t crumbs)

Book  a “Path to Your Liberation” Call

As Seen On

Do NOT fall asleep to what is important to you.

Tree of Shame, Dark with no leaves tree. Reduce the Effects of Shame
Beautiful Tree standing in the middle of a field with the sunset background. Quote from Joan Brooks about this tree. Working with me, you will pull out the diseased tree of internalized patriarchy by its roots, heal the wound of "not enough", and liberate the full, glorious you.

Working with me, you will pull out
the diseased tree of internalized patriarchy by its roots,
heal the wound of "not enough", and liberate the full, glorious you.

Working with me, you will pull out the diseased tree of internalized patriarchy by its roots, heal the wound, and liberate the full, glorious you.

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Your authenticity lives in your body.
It can be nowhere else.

Your authenticity lives in your body. It can be nowhere else.

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A message from My Wild and Dark Core

Your Transformational Success Pathway

The Road to Becoming “Less”


Clearing out the shit, shame and blame that does not belong to you allows you to know and express your true worth and value. This includes releasing guilt and remorse from past transgressions.


Strip away the lies and conditioning that say you have to please and play nice to be loved. You will refuse to be controlled by outside forces. When you live from your Wild and Dark Core, you own your wildness and you reclaim your authenticity and personal authority.


Unravel and heal the pervasive patriarchal wound of “not enough.” Liberate yourself from cultural, societal, and ancestral expectations and limitations. Know your brilliance and magnificence.


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Joan Brooks’ course "Welcome Home to Your Sacred Body"
was a positive transformational experience.

“Through deepened somatic awareness techniques, I experienced and witnessed each
group member honor their wounds and discover their unique inner strength and power.
Thank you, Joan!”

~ Paige P., Rochester, MI

“I am so glad I signed up for Welcome Home to Your Sacred Body.
Joan is an amazing facilitator."

“She held the space for all of us during the healing sessions. The program helped me go deeper in my healing with my mom. It opened the space for more love and understanding for her. I am truly grateful for Joan and the program.”

~ Audrey Vaidya, Dallas, TX
Trauma and Healing Coach

Raving Review with Results

"A profound part of me, hidden until now, has been unlocked and set free. I can now step more fully into the powerful teacher, leader, and creative writer I know that I am."

~ Darlene Frank, San Francisco,
Writing and Creativity Catalyst

Joan is a multi-faceted gifted healing practitioner and teacher.

Joan Brooks is an extraordinary teacher, mentor, and healing practitioner. As a teacher, Joan is thorough and organized and can take participants step by step with learning and engage them in practical experience opportunities with thoughtful feedback to assist their growth.

As a mentor, Joan draws out the positive aspects of those seeking support, while helping discover their gaps in skills or confidence, and providing guidance to shore them up.

~ Heather S., Richmond Hill Ontario

As a Rubenfeld Synergist and healing practitioner,

Joan is a tenacious personal advocate and a fearless guide into and out of the dark. Joan brings all of her life experience and skills to every session along with her deep presence. As a client, you will learn more about yourself than you can imagine. You will go deep within yourself. You will discover the places that are holding you back. With Joan’s support, you will move through and beyond.

~ Heather S., Richmond Hill Ontario

Joan Brooks’ course "Welcome Home to Your Sacred Body" was a positive transformational experience.

“Through deepened somatic awareness techniques, I experienced and witnessed each group member honor their wounds and discover their unique inner strength and power. Thank you, Joan!”

~ Paige P., Rochester, MI

“I am so glad I signed up for Welcome Home to Your Sacred Body. Joan is an amazing facilitator."

“She held the space for all of us during the healing sessions. The program helped me go deeper in my healing with my mom. It opened the space for more love and understanding for her. I am truly grateful for Joan and the program.”

~ Audrey Vaidya, Dallas, TX
Trauma and Healing Coach

Raving Review with Results

"A profound part of me, hidden until now, has been unlocked and set free. I can now step more fully into the powerful teacher, leader, and creative writer I know that I am."

~ Darlene Frank, San Francisco,
Writing and Creativity Catalyst

Joan is a multi-faceted gifted healing practitioner and teacher.

Joan Brooks is an extraordinary teacher, mentor, and healing practitioner. As a teacher, Joan is thorough and organized and can take participants step by step with learning and engage them in practical experience opportunities with thoughtful feedback to assist their growth.

As a mentor, Joan draws out the positive aspects of those seeking support, while helping discover their gaps in skills or confidence, and providing guidance to shore them up.

~ Heather S., Richmond Hill Ontario

As a Rubenfeld Synergist and healing practitioner,

Joan is a tenacious personal advocate and a fearless guide into and out of the dark. Joan brings all of her life experience and skills to every session along with her deep presence. As a client, you will learn more about yourself than you can imagine. You will go deep within yourself. You will discover the places that are holding you back. With Joan’s support, you will move through and beyond.

~ Heather S., Richmond Hill Ontario


Hidden in the shit and shame of betrayal lies your treasure. Go in there and take it back!
~ Joan M. Brooks

Hidden in the shit and shame of betrayal lies your treasure, Go in there and take it back!

~ Joan M. Brooks

Hidden in the shit and shame of betrayal lies your treasure, Go in there and take it back!
~ Joan M. Brooks

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When we live from our Wild and Dark Core, that place of ancient knowing and wisdom in us that can’t be domesticated, can’t be tamed, we will fucking change the world.

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~ Joan Brooks

Book a “Path to Your Liberation” Call

*During our call, we'll explore where you're playing small and "less than" in life and what being your full,
liberated self might look and feel like.

I'll outline what I believe to be your path to liberation, rather or not that includes working with me.

If we seem to be a good fit, we'll schedule another call to see which of my services would best serve you.

I promise: No pressure to sign up... for anything.

Hands of all colors, holding and resting on top of each other.

*During our call, we'll explore where you're playing small and "less than" in life and what being your full, liberated self might look and feel like.

I'll outline what I believe to be your path to liberation, rather or not that includes working with me.

If we seem to be a good fit, we'll schedule another call to see which of my services would best serve you.

I promise: No pressure to sign up... for anything.