Still Nervous. Still Doing It.

I wrote this blog 12 years ago, almost to the day. Funny how some things only get a little better over time. I’m still nervous about offering even “free” blogs. Will anyone read it?  Will I be criticized?

And as I did 12 years ago, I do it anyway. I, my practice and the transformation healing I offer clients have changed over the past 12 years. My website certainly reflects my deeper, more authentic self.

Now, my original first blog to get me jumpstarted. Start easy, if you can. That’s what my heart is telling me now.

This is my first ever blog and I confess to being nervous. My stomach is doing these funny little loop-d-loops as my hands shake a little bit at the nerve of me thinking I can actually write a blog people would want to read.

At the same time, there’s a quickening in my heart that says “people need what you have to offer.” As I write this, tears form in my eyes, because it’s true. People need to know that their bodies are their greatest resource, and that healing is possible. I want you to know that your body is just waiting to help you better navigate your world and live the life you’ve always wanted to live. All you have to do is listen.

I’ll use this moment as an example. If I had only noticed my nervous stomach or shaking hands, I may have stopped typing and told myself no one will ever read this, why bother.  But, when I also noticed the physical sensations in my heart, and listened to my heart’s message, I was compelled to continue, to not give up. My heart prompted me to step out in the world with my important message.

What is your heart saying to you right now? Take a moment to place your hands on your heart. Start first with physical sensations. What do you notice? What does your heart want you to know? to do? to be? Take good notes for your heart wants only the best for you.

I’d love to hear from you. You can share as much or as little as you’d like.

Until next time, befriend your body!

P.S. If you would like support and guidance, please check out how we can work together.

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